Author : doug stewart

KC Breakfast

Sunday, May 19—KC Breakfast: 7:30—11 AM

Blood Drive

Wednesday, May 22—Blood Drive: 11 AM—4 PM in the KoC hall

Rosary For Life

The next Rosary is Saturday, May 25 at 4:30 PM. This Holy Rosary is said for all aspects of protecting human life: abortion, birth control, euthanasia, wars, nuclear war, plagues, and natural disasters worldwide. Mary, the Great Mother of God, has stated that the saying of Holy Rosaries can change…

Council 6097 Scholarships

Financial Secretary Greg Weedin reported that he hasn’t received any applications for scholarships to a Catholic college or university this year so, like we did last year, we are opening up the scholarships to kids attending Christ The Teacher Catholic School. Eligible students need to be the child or grandchild…

April 21, 2024 Breakfast

Our April breakfast attendance was 263 and raised about $2000for Camp Prime Time. Another $530 in donations were made tothe camp. Many Prime Time volunteers and supporters attended.Several of them helped with the breakfast.